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Park Smiles NYC

Sedation Dentistry
For Children

Does the thought of having your teeth cleaned make your entire body tense with fear? Would you rather endure the agony of a toothache than step foot in a dentist’s office? Well, you’re not alone. A lot of people are so phobic about going to the dentist that they prefer not to have any treatment. At Park Smiles NYC, we want our patients to experience the least amount of stress and anxiety possible during their dental appointments and treatments. To achieve this, Dr. Cohen offers pain-free dentistry, also known as

“sedation dentistry.”
For the convenience and safety of our patients, Park Smiles NYC features an operating room in our Park Avenue office that is accredited for adults and children by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (the AAAASF). We were one of the first maxillofacial surgery practices in Manhattan to receive the coveted AAAASF accreditation, which is considered as the Gold Standard in safety and quality for outpatient surgery.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry


You can forget fear and anxiety. The fear and anxiety that are associated with seeing the dentist are often worse than the treatment itself. In fact, many people experience intense anxiety for weeks leading up to the day of their appointment. But with sedation dentistry, you’ll know that as soon as you’re in the chair your concerns will disappear. Knowing in advance that you won’t go through that uneasy sensation is very calming for most people.


No pain. The thing that scares many people the most about the dentist is the fear of pain. No one likes to feel pain in their teeth, gums or mouth. With sedation dentistry, the pain is essentially excluded. Not only will there be no pain, but the fear of pain will be gone, too. Pain-free dental care is what everyone wants – and that’s what makes sedation dentistry so popular today.


Easier for you and the dentist. Nervous patients tend to fidget and tense up while they’re sitting in the dental chair, which in turn slows down the treatment. Sedation dentistry allows you to be calm while your dentist works efficiently to provide the best treatment possible without disruption.


You’ll still be able to respond to the dentist. When you’re under IV sedation, you’re still awake. This is important so you can still respond to the dentist when need be. This could include answering simple questions or responding to a request to open your mouth wider. Other times, when patients want to be completely asleep, they may have their treatment performed under general anesthesia, so they will sleep throughout the procedure.


Helps time fly. If the dental treatment you’re having is a lengthy one, it can be difficult to endure for patients with fear and anxiety. With sedation dentistry, the time will fly and you’ll be completely at ease until it’s time to go home!

Types of Sedation Dentistry

Dr. Cohen at Park Smiles NYC offers IV sedation as well as deep sedation and general anesthesia. All methods are safe, effective and have been used by millions of people to achieve strong, beautiful smiles. Sedation dentistry uses medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It’s sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry,” although that’s not entirely accurate. Patients are usually awake with the exception of those who undergo general anesthesia.

The levels of sedation used include:

  • Minimal sedation — you are awake but relaxed.
  • Moderate sedation (formerly called “conscious sedation”) — You may slur your words when speaking and not remember much of the procedure.
  • Deep sedation — you are on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened.
  • General anesthesia — you are completely unconscious.

types of sedation are used in dentistry:

  • Inhaled minimal sedation: You breathe nitrous oxide — otherwise known as “laughing gas” — combined with oxygen through a mask that’s placed over your nose. The gas helps you relax. Your dentist can control the amount of sedation you receive, and the gas tends to wear off quickly. This is the only form of sedation where you may be able to drive yourself home after the procedure.
  • IV sedation, or moderate sedation: You receive the sedative drug through a vein, so it goes to work very quickly. This method allows the dentist to continually adjust the level of sedation.
  • Deep sedation and general anesthesia: You will receive medications that will make you either almost unconscious or totally unconscious — deeply asleep — during the procedure.


Creating world-class smiles with a universal approach to empathetic dental care

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Expertly Reviewed by
the Medical Staff at Park Smiles

June 18, 2024

Our skilled team at Park Smiles NYC, led by Dr. Aryeh Mahana is highly skilled and dedicated to offering a comprehensive array of the very best dental services in New York City. We use our extensive expertise in crafting the highest level of quality care.